Starting the studies

Welcome to Perho!

You have cho­sen an in­ter­na­tional field where there will al­ways be work avail­able. Töölö Cam­pus of Perho Culi­nary, Travel & Busi­ness Col­lege has ed­u­cated pro­fes­sion­als al­ready since 1935. There are ap­prox­i­mately 1500 stu­dents in Perho Col­lege all­to­gether. In Töölö Cam­pus there is ap­prox­i­mately 530 stu­dents and 60 staff mem­bers.

The stud­ies con­sist of ba­sic vo­ca­tional qual­i­fi­ca­tion in the ho­tel, restau­rant and cater­ing in­dus­try (180 cr) in one of the fol­low­ing study pro­gramme spe­cial­iza­tions:

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about other study op­por­tu­ni­ties at Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege:­ca­tional-ed­u­ca­tion/

Useful information at the beginning of studies

Dur­ing the first days school days, stu­dents will be­come fa­mil­iar with the fol­low­ing :

At the be­gin­ning of stud­ies, stu­dents will meet their ca­reer counselor (group su­per­vi­sor) who will be their main con­tact per­son.  Stu­dents will also meet prin­ci­pal, ed­u­ca­tion man­ager, stu­dent coun­selor, school nurse, school so­cial worker and psy­chol­o­gist.


Wilma is the main of­fi­cial com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nel at Perho:

In Wilma, stu­dent will find his / her sched­ules and study pe­ri­ods, teach­ers, ab­sences, per­sonal study plan (HOPS), mes­sages, grades and com­ple­tion of stud­ies and op­tional mod­ules. Dif­fer­ent types of au­tho­riza­tions are also marked in Wilma (use of pho­tog­ra­phy and names) and in­ter­views.

Do not for­get to keep your own con­tact in­for­ma­tion up­dated. No­tify the stu­dent af­fairs of­fice of changes in ad­dress, tele­phone num­ber and e-mail ad­dress im­me­di­ately.

It is highly rec­om­mended to down­load a Wilma-ap­pli­ca­tion for your mo­bile de­vice. The app pro­vides you with real-time no­ti­fi­ca­tions about new mes­sages and an­nounce­ments, and lets you read and send Wilma mes­sages on your own phone.

Study cur­ricu­lum and in­for­ma­tion about on-the-job learn­ing is lo­cated in eCam­pus: https://per­hobusi­ness­col­

Moving around at Töölö campus

Stu­dents have ac­cess to school build­ings and restau­rant dur­ing the open­ing hours. Flexim-key is re­quired for en­try to school build­ings (is­sued dur­ing the first day of school). De­posit of Flexim-key is in­cluded in ma­te­rial cost. Make sure to take care of your per­sonal Flexim-key and in­form im­me­di­ately if your Flexim-key is lost or stolen.  (There is 10 euro charge for a new Flexim-key).  Flexim-keys are col­lected at the end of stud­ies be­fore grad­u­a­tion and the de­posit of 10 eu­ros will be re­funded.

Media Center: Students Affairs Office and Library

Stu­dents will find fol­low­ing ser­vices and in­for­ma­tion at Me­dia Cen­ter:

Stu­dent Af­fairs Of­fice

School Li­brary

IT information

For the du­ra­tion of stud­ies, stu­dents will re­ceive a per­sonal user­name and pass­word that are re­quired for an ac­cess to school com­put­ers and on-line ser­vices such as eCam­pus, Wilma and Of­fice 365.  The pass­word can be changed only by us­ing the school com­put­ers, af­ter which it will be up­dated to all the other on-line ser­vices.

If stu­dent looses his / her user­name or pass­word, they can be reis­sued at It-help desk (Miko Ijäs)  Per­sonal iden­ti­fi­ca­tion is re­quired.

Perho’s It-help desk is lo­cated on the 5th floor of Perho build­ing (near class room 508).


Flexim-keys and lock­ers are is­sued to all stu­dents by Ser­vice Ad­vi­sor Erkki Ke­sk­i­nen. Ser­vice Ad­vi­sor also pro­vides guid­ance and as­sis­tance to the use of Flexim-keys and to school lock­ers.

Teaching hours, lessons and lunch break

The lessons are 60 min­utes long, in­clud­ing one break. In case of dou­ble and triple lessons the break times are fixed by the teacher. In vo­ca­tional learn­ing the breaks are given when they do not in­ter­fere with the work per­for­mance.

The lunch break is 30 min­utes. The lessons be­gin on the hour be­fore lunch and quar­ter past af­ter lunch. Af­ter 1:00 pm the lessons start al­ways quar­ter past.

Student Cafeteria – Herkku

Morn­ing por­ridge is of­fered for free of charge start­ing at 7:30.  In ad­di­tion to this, stu­dents can also pur­chase a full break­fast for 3 eu­ros.

The stu­dents re­ceive one free meal on school days. If stu­dents have kitchen lessons, meals are pre­pared and con­sumed in a kitchen dur­ing the kitchen lessons, not at Herkku.

Restaurant Perho

Restau­rant Perho is the place where stu­dents will com­plete their first on-the-job learn­ing pe­riod.  Stu­dents re­ceive 20% dis­count of a la carte meals and week­end lun­cheons.  The dis­count is ap­plied for a stu­dent and his / her spouse or sig­nif­i­cant other and par­ents. Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion: https://www.rav­in­to­

Transport connections

The school is sit­u­ated in the crowded city cen­tre, which means that there are no park­ing spa­ces for stu­dents in the school area. Bi­cy­cle stand is lo­cated at the front yard of the school. The clos­est park­ing spa­ces are on the nearby Hi­etaniemenkatu street. The fastest and cheap­est way to get around in the Hel­sinki met­ro­pol­i­tan area is to use the pub­lic trans­port sys­tem.

Study Guide of Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege 2017 - 2018Töölö Cam­pus1.8.2017