Health and well-being

Work­ing and study­ing in ho­tel, restau­rant and cater­ing in­dus­try can some­times lead to long work­ing hours.  Stand­ing on your feet for many hours in a row, work­ing in a warm con­di­tions and deal­ing with stress in hur­ried sit­u­a­tions can be an is­sue some­times. It is im­por­tant to keep up with your per­sonal health and well-be­ing! Here are few web­sites and sug­ges­tions on how to im­prove your per­sonal health and well-be­ing.

Helmi Center – Sports Center at Malmi Campus

Perho also has its own sports cen­ter, Helmi Cen­ter,  lo­cated at Malmi Cam­pus.  Helmi Cen­ter pro­vides the stu­dents and staff of the Perho a ver­sa­tile frame­work for sport ac­tiv­i­ties both in work­ing and leisure time.

The Physical Activity Pie encapsulates the following recommendation
Notice also this

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about Phys­i­cal ac­tiv­ity pie and Ex­per­tise in the Pro­mo­tion of Health-en­hanc­ing Phys­i­cal Ac­tiv­ity is avail­able through UKK In­sti­tute.

More in­for­ma­tion about health pro­mo­tion can be found also from the web­site of Na­tional In­sti­tute for health and wel­fare.

Helmi-Center sports arena
Sus­tain­able De­vel­op­ment Guide 2017-2018Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege1.8.2017