Waste management and recycling

Waste is sorted into nine types of bins at Perho. Re­cy­cling and waste dis­posal in­struc­tions are also lo­cated on the load­ing dock en­trance of the first floor, next to the kitchen 1. Ev­ery­one is com­mit­ted to the sort­ing of waste and re­cy­cling!

Will you also  fol­low the prin­ci­ple of the waste sort­ing and pre­ven­tion?

Food left­overs and gar­den waste, that is biodegrad­able and free of toxic ma­te­ri­als.   Food left­overs, fruit and veg­etable peels, tea bags, cof­fee grounds and fil­ters, kitchen pa­per. Biowaste is com­posted at the com­post­ing plant. Gar­den­ing waste brought to the waste sta­tions is com­posted and pro­cessed into gar­den­ing soil. 

En­ergy-waste = Mixed waste

Waster sort­ing and re­cy­cling cen­ter – HSY  has stopped col­lect­ing en­ergy-waste since April 2016.  All the en­ergy-waste can be now placed into Mixed waste bins. Most plas­tics such as food cas­ings, plas­tic foils, de­ter­gent flasks, plas­tic coated pa­pers, poly­styrene. (plas­tic with codes 01, 02, 04, 05, 06), plas­tic bags, sty­ro­foam, cd/dvd discs. No PVC 03; no pack­ages con­tain­ing alu­minium foil; no food left­overs! Com­bustible waste can be used as sup­ple­men­tary fuel at power plants or pa­per mills. Mixed waste is trans­ported to the en­ergy plant of Van­taan En­er­gia.


Dry and clean re­cy­ca­ble pa­per, such as news­pa­pers, mag­a­zines, ad­ver­tise­ments, en­velopes, copy pa­pers, books with soft pa­per cov­er­ing. Pa­per and board based pack­ages are used as raw ma­te­rial for core­board. 

Milk and juice car­tons should be rinsed and folded

Board based pack­ages

Dry and clean card­board, cor­ru­gated card­board, brown pa­per bags. Card­board is also col­lected sep­a­rately for re­cy­cled prod­ucts as it is of high qual­ity raw ma­te­rial than pa­per or board based pack­ages.


Glass and bot­tles that do not have a re­turn­able de­posit; other glass prod­ucts: col­ored and clear glass and jars. Glass is uti­lized as raw ma­te­rial for new glass prod­ucts and for man­u­fac­tur­ing fiber­glass.


Empty tin cans and con­tain­ers, alu­minum trays and foil and other metal ob­jects.  Metal is melted down and used as raw ma­te­rial for new metal prod­ucts.

Mixed waste

Waste which can­not be re­cy­cled or reused; clean­ing waste, cd-cov­ers, dam­aged clothes, san­i­tary tow­els, bags for vac­uum clean­ers. Mixed waste can­not be re­cy­cle or reused; it is trans­ported to the en­ergy plant of Van­taan En­er­gia.  In the end, the process pro­duces dis­trict heat­ing and elec­tric­ity.

Haz­ardous waste

Waste that in­cludes chem­i­cals of other items that can be dan­ger­ous to the en­vi­ron­ment and/or the pub­lic health; bat­ter­ies, flu­o­res­cent light tubes, paints, glues. A con­sid­er­able amount of haz­ardous waste is made harm­less through com­bus­tion. This way the en­ergy can be re­cov­ered.

Oil & grease (Plant and an­i­mal based) 

Plant and an­i­mal fats and oils are pack­aged into empty con­tain­ers and prop­erly stored for re­cy­cling at the waste room. Fats and oils are de­liv­ered to the Fin­land’s Veg­etable Oil Com­pany for re­cy­cling. 

Bot­tles and cans with re­turn­able de­posit

Class rooms are equipped with con­tain­ers for re­turn­able bot­tles and cans and Restau­rant Perho has it’s own con­tain­ers for re­turn­ables. The mon­e­tary profit from the bot­tles and cans from class­rooms is used by the stu­dent union for their ac­tiv­i­ties. Re­turn­able bot­tles from the Restau­rant Perho are re­turned to their own con­tain­ers. 

Not sure how to sort or recycle?  

Waste guide helps!  Check it out!!


Sus­tain­able De­vel­op­ment Guide 2017-2018Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege1.8.2017