Visits to co-operative farm

Stu­dent and staff are wel­come to visit and work at the co-op­er­a­tive farm.  Here are brief in­struc­tions to or­ga­nize a visit.

1. RESER­VA­TIONS: In­form the visit of your group to the farm first by call­ing the farmer via ’the farm phone’: 044 977 4923 (Mo- Fr: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)

2. PIC­NIC: Groups vis­it­ing the farm may pre­pare some snacks to take with, such as a sand­wich, along with juice and a fruit.  Agree within your group who pre­pares the food and how the food is de­liv­ered to the farm.

3. OTHER MA­TE­RI­ALS: Re­serve some gar­den­ing cloves to work at a farm. You can or­der them via main stor­age at Perho. Also, re­mem­ber to take some lit­ter bags with you.

4. TRANS­PORTA­TION: The farm can be ac­cessed eas­ily by pub­lic trans­porta­tion:

5. EQUIP­MENT: Re­mind ev­ery­one about the ap­pro­pri­ate cloth­ing ac­cord­ing to the weather con­di­tions. Rub­ber boots or hik­ing boots, warm cloth­ing and rain jacket are rec­om­mended. Also, ev­ery­one should bring their own wa­ter bot­tle.

6. RECORD WORK HOURS:  Re­mem­ber to in­form all the vol­un­tary work hours!  In the name field (nimi kenttä), write Rav­in­to­lak­oulu Perho.  Open the form here:­nykK

Sus­tain­able De­vel­op­ment Guide 2017-2018Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege1.8.2017