First aid at Töölö Campus

First aid materials at Töölö Campus

First aid for burns

The burn is due to the heat or a cor­ro­sive chem­i­cal sub­stance which in­duce tis­sue de­struc­tion, in which the skin and pos­si­bly also its sub-tis­sues are dam­aged.

If your skin is not cooled prop­erly, the in­jury ex­pands into deeper lay­ers of the skin and the pain per­sists for a longer pe­riod.

First aid for cuts & wounds

Ty­ing the cut and stop­ping the bleed­ing are the ba­sic first aid skills.

First aid for an unconscious person

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about first aid:­

If you meet threateningly behaving person:  

Sus­tain­able De­vel­op­ment Guide 2017-2018Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege1.8.2017