Workplace safety

Com­pli­ance with safety in­struc­tions, clean­li­ness and or­der, as well as the use of com­mon sense are the best ways to pre­vent work-re­lated in­juries.

Safe work­ing prac­tices are:

Your teach­ers and su­per­vi­sors will in­struct you in greater de­tails about oc­cu­pa­tional safety.

Clean­li­ness in pro­fes­sional kitchen

Photo: Mi­ikka Piri­nen

Photo: Mi­ikka Piri­nen

Sus­tain­able De­vel­op­ment Guide 2017-2018Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege1.8.2017