Studying at Perho

Study curriculum / study structure is located at iPerho eCampus: Curriculum
Personal competence development plan

A per­sonal com­pe­tence de­vel­op­ment plan (HOKS in Finnish) is pre­pared in Wilma for each stu­dent with re­gard to their in­di­vid­ual ca­pac­i­ties, which the stu­dent is com­mit­ted to and mo­ti­vated to fol­low. The per­sonal com­pe­tence de­vel­op­ment plan is made to­gether by the stu­dent coun­selor, the ca­reer coun­selor (group su­per­vi­sor) and the stu­dent. The stud­ies that the stu­dent will be tak­ing, the se­lected cour­ses, the meth­ods of com­plet­ing the cour­ses, the tim­ing, the ac­cred­i­ta­tion of prior learn­ing and the as­sess­ments of the stud­ies are all doc­u­mented in the per­sonal plan. The stu­dent’s po­ten­tial need for coun­selling and sup­port is also doc­u­mented in the plan. If the stu­dent so wishes, he/she can com­plete the stud­ies faster than the time frame de­fined for the stud­ies. The stud­ies can be speeded up by, for ex­am­ple, sum­mer work and/or ap­ply­ing for ac­cred­i­ta­tion for prior learn­ing.

Training organized in the workplace

Train­ing or­ga­nized in the work­place is goal-ori­ented, guided and as­sessed form of learn­ing. Part of the skills re­quired in the qual­i­fi­ca­tion are ac­quired in a work en­vi­ron­ment: 30-80 cred­its of train­ing  is in­cluded in all pro­fes­sional and op­tional stud­ies.

Train­ing or­ga­nized in the work­place is taken at ex­ter­nal train­ing place­ments; in Perho’s own teach­ing restau­rant or at Herkku-cafe­te­ria; su­per­vised by trained work­place su­per­vi­sors. The ex­ter­nal train­ing place­ments fol­low the rules set by the cri­te­ria of the train­ing or­ga­nized in the work­place and vo­ca­tional com­pe­tence demon­stra­tions. Work­places pro­vide trained su­per­vi­sors. All ma­te­ri­als and in­for­ma­tion re­lated to train­ing  is to be found at iPerho eCam­pus- front page: Työssäop­pimi­nen/ Train­ing or­ga­nized in the work­place

Photo: Mi­ikka Piri­nen

 Study and services commitment

Perho Culi­nary, Tourism and Busi­ness Col­lege is com­mit­ted to or­ga­nize the ed­u­ca­tion in such a way that the stu­dent is pro­vided with wide-range of ba­sic pro­fes­sional skills as well as spe­cialised learn­ing ac­cord­ing to the re­quire­ments of the work­ing life. The stu­dent is en­thu­si­as­tic about self-de­vel­op­ment and life-long learn­ing and acts ac­cord­ingly; ed­u­ca­tion pro­vides tools for find­ing em­ploy­ment af­ter grad­u­a­tion.

The stu­dent takes re­spon­si­bil­ity for his/her own learn­ing, knows the aims of the cur­ricu­lum and is com­mit­ted to set his/her own learn­ing goals. The stu­dent at­tends lessons reg­u­larly, in­forms teach­ers about pos­si­ble ab­sences, fol­lows the com­monly agreed rules and re­spects the school prop­erty and the prop­erty of oth­ers. The stu­dent takes care of his/her own well-be­ing and that of oth­ers by cul­ti­vat­ing a pos­i­tive at­ti­tude to­wards the school com­mu­nity and learn­ing and by fol­low­ing good man­ners.

Study Costs

The stud­ies are mainly free of charge. How­ever, stu­dents need to make some study-re­lated pur­chases in the course of their stud­ies, such as study ma­te­ri­als, the cur­ricu­lum, the name tag and the given out ma­te­rial, work uni­forms, work shoes and knives. All stu­dent buy both the waiter/wait­ress and the cook’s work uni­form. The to­tal costs of the whole stud­ies will amount to about 400-700 eu­ros. The student may need to to buy some other study ma­te­ri­als also later dur­ing the stud­ies.

Taking the qualification

The vo­ca­tional up­per sec­ondary qual­i­fi­ca­tion (180 com­pe­tence points) fol­lows the the na­tional core cur­ricu­lum. The vo­ca­tional up­per sec­ondary qual­i­fi­ca­tion con­sists of core sub­jects, vo­ca­tional mod­ules and free-choice mod­ules. In the com­pre­hen­sive school based stud­ies the study pro­gram is cho­sen in the spring of the first study year. In the up­per sec­ondary school based stud­ies and dou­ble qual­i­fi­ca­tion stud­ies the study pro­gram is cho­sen right at the start of the stud­ies.

Stu­dent work uni­forms 2018-2019

Lataa tiedosto (PDF, 688KB)

Personal competence development follow-up

Stu­dent is able to fol­low-up his/her study progress via Wilma-stu­dent reg­istry ser­vice ( )  He or she is also able to view mes­sages and com­mu­ni­cate with teach­ers via Wilma mes­sage ser­vice.

It is highly rec­om­mended to down­load a Wilma-ap­pli­ca­tion for your mo­bile de­vice. The app pro­vides you with real-time no­ti­fi­ca­tions about new mes­sages and an­nounce­ments, and lets you read and send Wilma mes­sages on your own phone. Use the same user­name and pass­word as you would use in on-line Wilma sign-in page.

Wilma app – iPhone

Wilma app – Google Play

Wilma app – Mi­cro­soft

Participation for tuition

Stu­dent must al­ways take part in the tu­ition un­less he/she has ac­cred­ited the skills in ques­tion. Stu­dent must al­ways re­port their ab­sences to the school, to the teacher of the sub­ject in ques­tion and to the group su­per­vi­sor through Wilma or text mes­sages. In cases of over three day ab­sence, stu­dent must pro­vide a state­ment is­sued by a doc­tor or a nurse. This state­ment must be is­sued to group coun­selor.
All the ab­sences known in ad­vance, must be ne­go­ti­ated by ca­reer coun­selor (group su­per­vi­sor).

Dur­ing the train­ing or­ga­nized in the work­place pe­riod, stu­dent must re­port any ab­sences im­me­di­ately to his/her su­pe­rior at the work­place and to the train­ing teacher. From any ab­sence dur­ing the train­ing or­ga­nized in the work­place pe­riod, stu­dent must al­ways pro­vide a sick­ness-state­ment is­sued by a doc­tor or a nurse. This state­ment must be is­sued to his/her su­pe­rior at the work­place.

Un­re­ported and un­ex­plained ab­sences are taken very se­ri­ously at Perho, be­cause ab­sences are the big­gest rea­son for poor aca­demic suc­cess or stu­dents dis­con­tin­u­ing their stud­ies. Nu­mer­ous ab­sences and ir­reg­u­lar at­ten­dance at school are re­ported also to the Cen­ter for Stu­dent Fi­nan­cial Aid (KELA), which may de­cide to dis­con­tinue the pay­ment of fi­nan­cial aid to the stu­dent. If stu­dent has been ab­sent from school for over three weeks and he/she can­not be reached or has not re­sponded to a con­tact re­quest let­ter sent to his/her ad­dress, stu­dent is con­sid­ered to have left the school. Re­peated un­per­mit­ted ab­sences lead to dis­ci­plinary mea­sures and pos­si­bly to the stu­dent’s dis­missal from school. In case of un­der­age stu­dents’ ab­sences, the school con­tacts the stu­dent’s guardians.

Photo: Mi­ikka Piri­nen

Study Guide of Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege 2018 - 2019Töölö Cam­pus1.8.2018