The student’s influence opportunities

The student union

Ac­cord­ing to the law on vo­ca­tional ed­u­ca­tion (630/1998) a school must have a stu­dent union made up of the stu­dents. The task of the stu­dent union is to pro­mote the stu­dents’ co-op­er­a­tion and school work. It can make sug­ges­tions for de­vel­op­ing the tu­ition and to give state­ments on the cur­ricu­lum, teach­ing ar­range­ments, study ma­te­ri­als, teach­ing meth­ods, and pur­chases of teach­ing equip­ment and li­brary ma­te­ri­als.

Feedback systems

The qual­ity team of Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege or­ga­nizes var­i­ous feed­back ques­tion­naires for the pur­pose of as­sess­ing and de­vel­op­ing the school’s op­er­a­tions. The stu­dents have the op­por­tu­nity to present their views on the op­er­a­tions of Perho in var­i­ous types of feed­back ques­tion­naires (for ex­am­ple group in­ter­views, course feed­back, on-the-job learn­ing pe­riod feed­back, end-of-stud­ies ques­tion­naires, per­sonal in­ter­views). The feed­back is dis­cussed for ex­am­ple in the group su­per­vi­sor’s lessons. The feed­back is used for de­vel­op­ing the school’s op­er­a­tions.

Study Guide of Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege 2018 - 2019Töölö Cam­pus1.8.2018