Safety and security

The doors of the both build­ings are kept locked at all times. The stu­dents are given a per­sonal Flexim pass code, which they are not per­mit­ted to give to any out­side per­sons. The school has an all-round cam­era sur­veil­lance sys­tem.

Pos­si­ble emer­gency sit­u­a­tions are an­nounced on the cen­tral ra­dio. Lis­ten to the in­struc­tions and act ac­cord­ingly. Do not panic. In case of a fire alarm, exit the build­ing by stairs. Do not use the el­e­va­tor. The as­signed floor su­per­vi­sors take care that no-one stays in­side the build­ing. The exit plans for each floor are placed next to the fire ex­tin­guish­ers.

Dur­ing the ori­en­ta­tion weeks the group su­per­vi­sors ac­quaint the stu­dent with Perho’s safety in­struc­tions and there are fire drills where the emp­ty­ing of the build­ing is prac­ticed.

The student data register

Per­sonal data is gath­ered from the stu­dents in con­nec­tion with the joint ap­pli­ca­tion for the school’s stu­dent ad­min­is­tra­tion. The stu­dent ad­min­is­tra­tion data is needed for ex­am­ple for as­sess­ment, mak­ing the study cards and for writ­ing the qual­i­fi­ca­tion cer­tifi­cates. The data is con­fi­den­tial and is not given to third par­ties with­out the stu­dent’s con­sent.

The stu­dents en­tered in the sys­tem are en­ti­tled to have in­for­ma­tion about the pro­cess­ing of their per­sonal data, to re­view the data that con­cerns him/her, to de­mand a cor­rec­tion to the data, and to deny the use of the data for cer­tain pur­poses, for ex­am­ple for com­mer­cial, di­rect mar­ket­ing pur­poses in ex­ter­nal com­pa­nies. The per­sonal data form also re­quests the stu­dent the per­mis­sion to pub­lish his/her pho­tos or cre­ative out­put in the school’s pub­li­ca­tions.

Study Guide of Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege 2018 - 2019Töölö Cam­pus1.8.2018