After the studies

Career and recruitment services

Stu­dent who is in­ter­ested of get­ting fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about ca­reer and re­cruit­ment ser­vices may con­tact Katja Wino­gradow. She is able to help stu­dents in search of job po­si­tions af­ter a grad­u­a­tion.

University or University of Applied Science

Stu­dents who have ac­com­plished vo­ca­tional up­per sec­ondary qual­i­fi­ca­tion in restau­rant & cater­ing ser­vices are gen­er­ally en­ti­tled to ap­ply to stud­ies in a uni­ver­sity or a uni­ver­sity for ap­plied sci­ences. A nat­u­ral next step for con­tin­u­ing stud­ies is the Bach­e­lor’s de­gree in hos­pi­tal­ity man­age­ment (re­stonomi AMK). At a uni­ver­sity, stu­dents can take for ex­am­ple a Bach­e­lor’s or Mas­ter’s de­gree in Food Sci­ences.

Vocational and special vocational qualifications from PerhoPro

The Per­ho­Pro Con­tin­u­ing Ed­u­ca­tion pro­vides ed­u­ca­tion for pre­par­ing for ba­sic vo­ca­tional and spe­cial vo­ca­tional com­pe­tence tests, and or­gan­ises the tests. Most of the ed­u­ca­tion is taken in the form of ap­pren­tice­ship learn­ing.

Alumni activities

The Perho grad­u­ates are wel­come to join the Alumni of Perho. The aim of the alumni ac­tiv­ity is to main­tain the con­tact be­tween Perho and its off­spring, in other words, its alumni. We hope that the prac­ti­cal ex­per­tise, knowl­edge and ex­pe­ri­ence of Perho grad­u­ates will con­tinue to de­velop the ho­tel and restau­rant in­dus­try in the fu­ture and raise the ap­pre­ci­a­tion for the pro­fes­sions in the in­dus­try. The alumni ac­tiv­ity strength­ens the co-op­er­a­tion be­tween the work­ing life and the school in de­vel­op­ing the ed­u­ca­tion in the field. The alumni are in­formed of the school’s ac­tiv­i­ties and events and are in­vited to func­tions or­gan­ised by the school.

Photo: Mi­ikka Piri­nen

Study Guide of Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege 2018 - 2019Töölö Cam­pus1.8.2018