Longinoja - urban brook in Malmi

Longi­noja is an ur­ban brook that flows through Hel­sinki, the cap­i­tal of Fin­land, into the Van­taan­joki River. Since 2001, vol­un­tary stream restora­tion ac­tiv­i­ties have been or­ga­nized by SKES, the so­ci­ety for the pro­mo­tion of Finnish fish­ing tourism in­dus­try.

Longi­noja brook flows through right be­hind the field area of Perho Green City Farm.

Kuva: longi­noja.fi

The restora­tions per­formed by vol­un­teers have en­abled the re­cov­ery of the en­dan­gered trout stock of the Gulf of Fin­land in the brook and the parr den­sity is first-rate. Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about Longi­noja: http://longi­noja.fi/eng­lish/

Green City Farm20186.9.2018