Growing Season 2018

The grow­ing sea­son of 2018 in­cludes fol­low­ing veg­eta­bles:

Se­lect­ing the types, amounts & tim­ing of the veg­eta­bles to gron on a com­pact unit re­quires care­ful plan­ning. The de­tailed sea­sons grow­ing plan is achieved af­ter dis­cus­sions with the restau­rants, chefs and kitchens that will use our prod­ucts.

The field di­vided into 8 grow­ing re­gions, about 1200 m2. The re­gions are then al­lo­cated a type of veg­etable, for ex­am­ple sal­ads, herbs, bras­si­cas, root crops or green ma­nures. This sys­tem is based for 4-5 year crop ro­ta­tion.

Crop ro­ta­tion is an im­por­tant part of tra­di­tional and mod­ern agri­cul­ture sys­tems.  It al­lows us to un­der­stand and en­cour­age soil fer­til­ity, re­duces prob­lems with crop spe­cific pests and dis­eases, and avoids other risks as­so­ci­ated with mono­cul­ture.

Open the in­ter­ac­tive pic­ture


Dec­o­ra­tive pump­kins


Va­ri­ety of kale

Va­ri­ety of pump­kins

Herb gar­den

Sum­mer squash va­ri­eties

Cu­cum­bers and beets

Four va­ri­eties of toma­toes

Field flow­ers

Va­ri­ety of sal­ads

Green City Farm20186.9.2018