Student's health care and well-being services

Student Support Services

There are stu­dent sup­port ser­vices avail­able at Perho. Stu­dent sup­port ser­vices refers to the pro­mo­tion and main­te­nance of good phys­i­cal and men­tal health as well as good so­cial well-be­ing within the ed­u­ca­tional com­mu­nity. Ser­vices are im­ple­mented pri­mar­ily as pre­ven­ta­tive care to the en­tire ed­u­ca­tional com­mu­nity through col­lab­o­ra­tive sup­port.

It is ac­com­pa­nied also by in­di­vid­u­al­ized study coun­selling and well-be­ing ser­vices. Ser­vices in­clude psy­chol­ogy and cu­ra­tor ser­vices as well as stu­dent health ser­vices.

Career Counselor 

Ca­reer coun­selor offers sup­port ser­vices to in­di­vid­ual stu­dents as well as for the whole group. Ca­reer coun­selor fa­mil­iar­izes stu­dents to ac­tiv­i­ties of Perho.  He or she guides stu­dents in plan­ning of stu­dent’s per­sonal study plan.  Ca­reer coun­selor also commu­ni­cates about im­por­tant events and in­for­ma­tion re­lated to stud­ies at Perho.

School nurse

The school nurse works at Proffa build­ing (2nd floor). Any changes for school nurses’ meet­ing times can be seen in Wilma. In case of ill­ness please con­tact the school nurse or your own health care cen­tre. The school nurse treats small in­juries and gives ad­vice on health-re­lated mat­ters. She will guide the stu­dent to sub­se­quent care when nec­es­sary. The school nurse will not write sick leave cer­tifi­cates af­ter the in­ci­dent.

Cerfi­cates of sal­mo­nella tests has to be is­sued to school nurse at the be­gin­ning of the stud­ies and as needed.

School Nurse Ms Aulikki Grif­fith

Ap­point­ments for the doc­tor are booked by the school nurse. Ser­vices of the Perho’s stu­dent health care are free of charge for all the cur­rent stu­dents. Cur­rent fees for the doc­tor’s ap­point­ment can be checked by the school nurse. For any un­called ap­point­ment there is a penalty fee.

School social worker

The school so­cial worker is there to sup­port and help stu­dents in var­i­ous prob­lems and to pro­mote the stu­dent’s so­cial well-be­ing and de­vel­op­ment. The school so­cial worker is avail­able on Mon­days, Tues­days and Fri­days at the school in the Proffa build­ing, 2nd floor. You can make an ap­point­ment by phone or by e-mail.


The psy­chol­o­gist is avail­able on Tues­days, Wednes­days and Thurs­days in the Proffa build­ing, 2nd Floor. You can also make an ap­point­ment by phone or through Wilma. The psy­chol­o­gist sup­port stu­dents for ex­am­ple in is­sues re­lated to life man­age­ment, mo­ti­va­tion, stress, men­tal health, changes in life and so­cial re­la­tion­ships and any other top­ics.

Dental care

Den­tal care is a part of the stu­dent health care. All stu­dents who are res­i­dents of Hel­sinki are en­ti­tled to den­tal care in the den­tal care unit of their own health care cen­tre. Ap­point­ments are made di­rectly at the den­tal care unit of the health care cen­tre. For more in­for­ma­tion, go to the web­site of your own health care cen­tre.

Further information

You can get help for prob­lem­atic sit­u­a­tions also from the fol­low­ing places (mainly in Finnish and Swedish):
– Gen­eral emer­gency num­ber 112
– So­cial ser­vices 24 hrs/day, 020-696006, help and sup­port
– Cri­sis phone 24 hrs/day, 09-310 44 222, men­tal sup­port in ur­gent sit­u­a­tions
– Finnish Red Cross Youth Emer­gency Shel­ter: Hel­sinki: Uu­den­maankatu 32 A, tel. 09 622 4322
– Es­poo: Läkkisepänkuja 2 A 14, Lep­pä­vaara, tel. 09 819 55360
– Van­taa: Sairaalakatu 3, Rekola p. 09 871 4043
– Poi­son in­for­ma­tion cen­tre 24 hrs/day tel. 09-471 977

Study Guide of Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege 2020-2021Töölö Cam­pus1.8.2020