Code of conduct

1. Ac­cord­ing to the law on in­sti­tu­tions for vo­ca­tion ed­u­ca­tion, stu­dents must fol­low the school’s code of con­duct and to take reg­u­lar part in the tu­ition.

2. Ev­ery stu­dent and staff mem­ber has the right to a safe and trou­ble-free learn­ing and work­ing en­vi­ron­ment, as well as an obli­ga­tion to pro­mote good work­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties.

3. Dur­ing the school/work­ing day, it is unau­tho­rized to bring or hold an ob­ject or any sub­stance at the school premises that can en­dan­ger se­cu­rity of one­self or oth­ers. If nec­es­sary, prin­ci­pal or teach­ers have the right to in­spect and take pos­ses­sion of the above men­tioned ob­jects or sub­stances.

4. Each stu­dent and staff mem­ber is re­spon­si­ble for ap­pro­pri­ate com­mu­ni­ca­tion, as well as keep­ing the learn­ing and work­ing en­vi­ron­ment clean and tidy. Any pho­tos or footages taken at the school premises can­not be pub­lished with­out a per­mis­sion from the per­son/peo­ple in ques­tion.

5. Stu­dents have an obli­ga­tion to fol­low good man­ners and eti­quette dur­ing any study re­lated events. Stu­dent are re­quired to wear a proper uni­form or cloths ac­cord­ing to the re­quire­ments of work tasks and the on-the-job learn­ing place­ments. Stu­dents are also re­quired to com­ply with oc­cu­pa­tional safety in­struc­tions and other in­struc­tions of Perho. Pro­fes­sional knives must be stored and trans­ported in a pro­tec­tive case.

6. Ev­ery mem­ber of the school com­mu­nity is re­spon­si­ble for care­ful and ap­pro­pri­ate use of the per­ma­nent of mov­able prop­erty of the school. Stu­dents may be re­quired to pay any ex­penses due to an in­ten­tional dam­age of the prop­erty. Any theft cases will be re­ported di­rectly to the po­lice.

7. Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege is a non-smok­ing school. Smok­ing, use of snuff or elec­tric cig­a­rettes are pro­hib­ited in­side the school build­ing and out­side the school premises as well as dur­ing the events or travel or­ga­nized by Perho.

8. Pos­ses­sion, dis­tri­bu­tion, for­ward­ing, sale, use or un­der the in­flu­ence of in­tox­i­cants and drugs is pro­hib­ited in the school premises, on-the-job learn­ing place­ments, or at any events or trav­els or­ga­nized by Perho. Con­firmed pos­ses­sion of in­tox­i­cants will lead to the in­ves­ti­ga­tion of the po­lice of­fi­cials.

9. Break­ing the rules of code of con­duct fol­lows a dis­ci­plinary pro­ce­dure.

Disciplinary measures

Dis­ci­plinary mea­sures must al­ways have an ed­u­ca­tional func­tion. They must be cor­rectly timed and guide the stu­dent in the de­sired di­rec­tion. Ev­ery adult at Perho has the duty to in­ter­fere in a sit­u­a­tion where he/she ob­serves in­ap­pro­pri­ate con­duct in a stu­dent. The par­ents/guardians of an un­der­age stu­dent must be in­formed and if pos­si­ble, make them par­tic­i­pate in the dis­ci­plinary mea­sures.


Rep­ri­mand­ing is the first dis­ci­plinary mea­sure. The stu­dent is rep­ri­manded by the adult who hap­pens to wit­ness the sit­u­a­tion call­ing for the rep­ri­mand (or by the ed­u­ca­tional man­ager); stu­dent’s group coun­sel­lor and stu­dent ad­vi­sor will be in­formed about the in­ci­dent. In re­peated sit­u­a­tions the mat­ter is handed over to the group su­per­vi­sor and/or the school so­cial worker.

Removal from the lesson or classroom

The teacher has the right to re­move a stu­dent who be­haves in­ap­pro­pri­ately and ag­gres­sively from the class­room. The teacher must how­ever rep­ri­mand the stu­dent and ex­plain to him/her the rea­son for the re­moval. The teacher en­ters the stu­dent as ab­sent (other) from the les­son in ques­tion in Wilma and writes an ex­pla­na­tion in the space for com­ments.

Written warning

The prin­ci­pal de­cides about writ­ten warn­ings given to stu­dents. A writ­ten warn­ing is given to a stu­dent who dis­turbs the tu­ition, be­haves in­ap­pro­pri­ately or demon­strates a care­less at­ti­tude to­wards given in­struc­tions or shared agree­ments, in spite of be­ing rep­ri­manded and of­fered sup­port mea­sures. Breaches to the school’s code of con­duct al­ways cause a writ­ten warn­ing.

Expulsion for a defined period

The stu­dent can be de­clined for stud­ies for a max­i­mum of three work­ing days, in case of safety is­sues to­wards other stu­dents, or within the vicin­ity of the school premises or oth­er­wise dur­ing the lessons due to the vi­o­lent or dis­turb­ing act of the be­hav­ing stu­dent.
The stu­dent’s ex­pul­sion for a de­fined pe­riod is de­cided by the ac­tu­a­tor re­spon­si­ble for dis­ci­plinary mea­sures. If the stu­dent does not demon­strate will­ing­ness or com­mit­ment to chang­ing his/her be­hav­iour or par­tic­i­pa­tion in the stud­ies, the school may con­sider his/her ex­pul­sion for one year at the max­i­mum. Ex­pul­sion for a de­fined pe­riod is the fi­nal dis­ci­plinary mea­sure. Its ef­fects and in­flu­ence must be fully in­ves­ti­gated be­fore the de­ci­sion is put into force. The stu­dent and the guardians of an un­der­aged stu­dent must be heard be­fore mak­ing the de­ci­sion. The stu­dent is in­formed of the de­ci­sion in writ­ing and he/she is en­ti­tled to com­plain about the de­ci­sion. Af­ter the ex­pul­sion pe­riod is over, the stu­dent’s re­turn to school is sup­ported and a plan is made for him/her for com­plet­ing the miss­ing cour­ses.

Law on vo­ca­tional ed­u­ca­tion 21.8 1998/630, 35 §

Study Guide of Perho Culi­nary, Tourism & Busi­ness Col­lege 2020-2021Töölö Cam­pus1.8.2020