Risotto "Bitterbal" with Spring Onion and Truffle Mayonnaise

Serves: 4 Persons
Preparation time: 50 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Techniques: Salpicon


For the breading

  1. Stir in the rice and coat in the oil.
  2. Pour in the wine and simmer, stirring, until the liquid has been absorbed.
  3. Add a ladleful of the stock and simmer, stirring again, until the liquid has been absorbed.
  4. Continue adding the stock in this way, until all the liquid has been absorbed and the rice is plump and tender.
  5. Chop the the parsley, mix with risotto, add butter and salt and pepper.
  6. Pour into a shallow container, cover and refrigerate for several hours, or until the risotto has solidified.
  7. Take a icespoon of the cold, thick risotto quickly roll it into a small ball. Roll lightly through the flour, then the egg and finally the breadcrumbs. Make sure that the egg covers the whole surface of the bitterbal. When done, refrigerate the snacks.
  8. While the oil in your fryer heats up to 190C (375F).
  9. Fry four bitterballen at a time, until golden.